Hi, I'm Zakaria

With 3 years of experience as a Frontend Developer, I specialize in building web applications using Angular and React, and have demonstrated the ability to collaborate effectively across various work environments, including startups, mid-size companies, and freelance projects.

This portfolio showcases my skills and experience in building websites & web applications.


Web Development
UI/UX Design
SEO Optimization


2021 April
2021 June
2022 May
2023 January
2023 November

Tech Stack




  • #Angular
  • #Ng Bootstrap

SeekMake is an innovative SaaS platform designed to empower individuals and companies in launching or expanding their manufacturing businesses. Leveraging advanced automation tools and AI, SeekMake revolutionizes the manufacturing landscape by providing essential support for seamless operations and business growth.

  • #Angular
  • #Material UI
E-service portal for Ajman Citizens Affairs Office

Ajman eService Portal is the rendering of government services and information to the public citizens and allows government to deliver services to citizen when they need them

  • #Angular
  • #Bootstrap

The Emirates Government Services Excellence Program sought to improve the user experience of their Khadamati platform, which serves as the primary database for all federal government services and related data. With over 2,000 services and 40 entities utilizing the system, it is a critical tool for centralized bodies responsible for monitoring government services. The revamped platform aimed to simplify data entry for entity users and ensure accuracy and frequency of key data. The system is also integrated with various other government entity systems, making it an essential component of the government's digital infrastructure.

  • #Angular
  • #PrimeNG
Easy Invoice

Invoice Easy streamlines your invoicing process with a straightforward web application. Eliminate manual hassles and create professional invoices effortlessly. Enjoy automatic calculations and easy itemization, tailored for businesses and freelancers. Invoice Easy ensures a seamless and efficient invoicing experience without the need for customizable templates. Simplify your billing with Invoice Easy today.

  • #React
Skeleton Lib

Skeleton Lib is an open-source library meticulously designed to enhance user experience in web applications. It provides a wide array of skeleton loader designs, crucial for improving content loading perception and maintaining user engagement during wait times.

  • #React


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